IWS provides bacterial control for all water sources such as reservoir, river, well and mains. Our patented product XZIOX® is highly concentrated with no by-products – Approved for organic use!

IWS has an experienced and bio-security trained team of engineers who understand the relationship between water and bacteria as it applies to poultry farms. Farmers using our patented XZIOX® systems have seen 99.99% cleaner water. Applicable for broiler, laying, or breeder sites.

XZIOX® is a tried and tested, high quality solution for water issues within the livestock industry. IWS provides bacterial control for all water sources such as reservoir, river, well and mains. Our patented product XZIOX® is highly concentrated with no by-products.  XZIOX® is also a viricide, algicide, fungicide and bactericide and can effectively eliminate all stages of biofilm as it is able to penetrate the deep cell walls where biofilm is present.

Read More about our XIMAX® Agricultural System